Tales from the World of Retail

Friday, September 22, 2006

Exact Change

I used to work at a small store that only had one cash register. On weekends, when the bank was closed, we sometimes had a problem keeping enough change in the till. Sometimes we ran short of coins, sometimes bills.

One weekend we were very low on $1's and $5's. We put a sign up saying "We need $1's and 5's. Thanks!". Most people helped, by paying with smaller bills or using credits cards. One man tried to help ....

His total was $3.26. He pulled out a $10, noticed our sign, and then carefully counted out 26¢.

Ummm... thanks? If we were low on coins, that would be helpful. But we needed bills, and giving me 26¢ made me have to give him an extra $1 bill!

Oh well. At least he was trying.


Blogger Pedicularis said...

Apparently not everyone is a math whiz like you!

September 22, 2006 11:32 PM  

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