Tales from the World of Retail

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

"Hi, I'm Frank."

A man in a suit entered the store. He approached the counter as I set down what I was working on so that I could help him. He said, "Hi, I'm Frank. From Superior."

My first thought was that he was a vendor rep -- but we don't carry products from a company called "Superior".

Then he said, "Who buys your lightbulbs?"

So.... Superior is a lightbulb company? Why didn't he say the full name of the company? He just assumed that I would know what he was talking about.

I gave him the office number while he pestered me about where the office is located.

Ok, I get it, he's a persistent salesperson who's trying to sell lightbulbs, and the best way to do that is talk to the person in charge of buying lightbulbs. But....

I just really, really hate it when salespeople come in and waste my time. It just seems rude.

His attitude didn't help.


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