Tales from the World of Retail

Friday, July 28, 2006

An Unusual Tax Exempt Story

I get very annoyed with tax exempt people who rudely demand that I do the tax exempt paperwork in order to save them 30ยข. But some people from Oregon/Alaska/Montana/wherever aren't aware that they are tax exempt. If they spend over $100, I'll usually explain how it works. I don't mind doing the paperwork for $10 or more. Plus, I get to introduce them to the concept, so I can teach them how to be polite about it.

Today I had a customer who was spending over $100. When I checked her ID, I saw that she was from Montana. I offered to take off her sales tax. She asked me how much it would save her. It was around $14. Her reply? "No, thanks." That's a new one!


Blogger Pedicularis said...

She either was so rich that $14 was not worth the wait for the paperwork (it does take some time for the customer, doesn't it?), or she felt that the only fair thing to do, as a visitor in our state, was to pay the same taxes as the fine people of Washington State do. In my travels to Canada and Europe, I have never applied for the tax refund due me, for the second reason above. And in England, it is a 17% tax.

July 29, 2006 10:53 AM  

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