Tales from the World of Retail

Monday, March 19, 2007

You Can't Have It Both Ways, Lady!

Today I helped a woman who wanted me to open a box for her so she could see the actual product. I did so, and she liked it.

Then she said: "I want to get that, but I'm going to go get an un-opened box."

My jaw literally dropped.

I understand that some people sometimes want to see the actual product.

I understand that other people want fresh, un-opened boxes.

But you can't have it both ways! If you insist on buying un-fondled products, then you can't fondle them yourself!!


Blogger Sotosoroto said...

You insisted she take the opened box, I take it?

March 20, 2007 9:20 AM  
Blogger mamurd said...

Alas, no. I was literally speechless for a good thirty seconds (and she walked away right after she said it, so I stood there, by myself, with my mouth hanging open). Imagine me -- ME! -- being speechless.

Even after regaining the powers of speech, I couldn't think of a way to say it that was even remotely polite. Instead, I went into the back room, took some deep breaths, and let my co-worker deal with her.

I didn't come out until she left.

March 21, 2007 9:43 PM  

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