Tales from the World of Retail

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Unintentional Insults

A customer came up to me and asked if I knew if there was a Star Trek or Star Wars museum in Seattle. After a moment's thought, I suggested the Sci-Fi museum at the EMP.

She said, "That must be it." Embarrassed, she continued, "My sister loves that stuff. When I told her I was coming here she told me about it." She said sarcastically, "Oh yeah, I'll put that on the top of my list," and rolled her eyes.

Umm... I love sci-fi. I've been meaning to go the sci-fi museum for quite some time. She meant no offense, but I was offended nonetheless.


Blogger Pedicularis said...

I am confused. If she had no intention of going to the sci-fi museum, why did she even care if it existed and where it might be located?

BTW, I was given a brochure for the museum this summer, and it looked interesting.

September 25, 2006 10:59 AM  
Blogger mamurd said...

Good question! I have no idea.

September 25, 2006 11:34 PM  

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