Tales from the World of Retail

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"Do You Even Consider This Work?"

Some people think that just because I work at a store that sells neat things, that it must not be work. Just the other day a guy asked me, "Do you even consider this work?"

I used to work at a book store. Now, I love books. (I mean, I really love books.) And I enjoyed working with them. I liked seeing new titles we would get. I loved discovering new authors. I even had fun deciding how to organize sections.

But it was still a job. I got paid. I had to show up at certain time. I had responsibilities. I had an awful boss. Some of my co-workers were great, but some were dreadful. I had to haul boxes, stand at the cash register for hours, sort books, re-arrange shelves, answer phones, do paperwork, count tills, and -- most irritating of all -- clean up after messy customers.

So, to answer your question Mr. Idiot Customer, YES, it's a job!


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