Tales from the World of Retail

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Count It Once?

In every retail job I've had, I've counted the money in the tills. This includes my very first job ever: video store clerk. I was in high school at the time, and I remember telling my mom that if it was right the first time, I only counted it once. If it was wrong, I counted it a second time. She was surprised that I sometimes only counted the money once. At the time I didn't have an explanation -- it just seemed logical to me -- but now I've got one!

So, Mom, here it is:

What are the odds that the amount of money in the till is wrong, but that I count it wrong and get the right amount? For example, let's say the register was supposed to have $527.89 in it, but someone messed up earlier in the day and it actually has $527.83. It's not very likely that I would count the money wrong and happen to get $527.89. See?

My rule of thumb is this: I want the right answer once or the wrong answer twice.


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