Tales from the World of Retail

Thursday, July 26, 2007


I was ringing up an older couple and the man handed me a credit card. I noticed that the name on it was "Beverly". I let him sign the slip (You never know, it might be him; Beverly can be a man's name.) but the signature didn't match the one on the slip.

When I pointed this out, the man handed me his driver's license and said, "We're both on the card."

Well, sir, no, you're not. Only her name was on the credit card. Both your names might be on the account, and you may have a credit card with the same number that has your name on it, but only her name was on that credit card. And if you have a credit card with your name on it, why didn't you use it? And if your wife is standing right next to you, why didn't you let her sign it? And for that matter, why are you carrying around your wife's credit card, anyway?

Luckily the woman was reasonable and she signed the slip without any fuss.


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