Tales from the World of Retail

Friday, June 22, 2007

Sometimes It Pays To Speak Up

Work has been pretty stressful lately. We've been understaffed for months, it's been busy with both customers and incoming shipments, and to make matters worse, our bosses have been pestering us with extra projects.

H-Man and I got so frustrated that we decided to write a letter to our bosses, explaining how we felt. We invited another co-worker to read/comment/sign the letter, and he gladly accepted.

We turned the letter in today. We were quite nervous; we weren't sure what their response would be. Thankfully, they were pleased to get it. One of them even told me she was glad we cared enough to write it.

Hopefully they'll cut us some slack now!


Blogger Pedicularis said...

She-boss was very gracious, and granted you know more than you are saying, but you did not give *us* enough information to conclude that your letter was successful, i.e., did it pay for you to speak up, as you imply in your title? From your reader's perspective, it remains to be seen if the bosses make any changes that you like. But good luck! :)

June 23, 2007 11:03 PM  

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