Tales from the World of Retail

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Quitters' Hall of Fame (part one)

When most people quit their jobs, they give two weeks notice in writing. Every once in a while, however, someone quits in a weird and bizarre way. Here's one of my favorites:

I used to work at a book store. One day we had a new employee. Everything seemed to be going fine, and after a few hours I sent her on her break. Five minutes before she was scheduled to return, she called the store. She told me that she wasn't coming back! She claimed it was because she needed to be paid twice a month (instead of once a month), but I suspect she thought that working at a book store meant that she would be able to sit around and read. Once she discovered that she was actually going to have to work, she decided to quit. I asked her if she could at least come back and finish the day (since she and I were the only ones scheduled to close that night) but she declined.


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