Tales from the World of Retail

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Burn on the Boss!

Two weeks ago we received a shipment from company N. Before we can tag a shipment and put it out on the floor, we need paperwork from the bosses. Usually paperwork shows up pretty quickly, but sometimes it takes a while. On the Monday after we received that shipment, I sent up a list to the bosses of shipments we still needed paperwork for. Company N was at the top of the list. It put it first because I thought it was an important shipment and I figured they'd want it out on the floor asap.

By Monday afternoon we had paperwork for a couple of the shipments on my list, but not company N. Thursday and Friday are my days off, and when I came in on Saturday, I was surprised that we still hadn't received paperwork for N.

In the early afternoon, my boss brought down paperwork for company N. When he handed it to me, I said (in a light-hearted way), "Finally! I've been waiting for that."

He said, "You know, you can always send us a note asking for paperwork for a shipment."

I replied, "I did. On Monday."

"Oh. Hmmm... Yes, I think I remember that..."



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