Tales from the World of Retail

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Gift-Wrapping Nanny

As I was ringing up a woman, she asked about having her items gift-wrapped. I told her how much it would cost and she said that would be fine. After a moment's consideration, however, she said, "You know, I was going to have you wrap them since I hate to wrap, but my daughter and my nanny love to wrap. Maybe I'll have them do it." I agreed that that made sense. Then she said:

"Plus, having my daughter wrap those presents will get her out of my hair for a while. It will be nice to get a break!"

Ummm..... isn't that what the nanny is for?

Monday, May 21, 2007

Why Not Just Cut to the Chase?

[This was a phone conversation.]

customer: Can you tell me about your selection of ______ ?

me: Is there one in particular you're looking for?

customer: Yes, the _____, which is number ___ in the catalog.

[Imagine if I hadn't cut to the chase...]

customer: Can you tell me about your selection of ______ ?

me: Sure! We have A, which costs $x, B which comes in blue, green, and yellow and costs $y, C, which costs $z, D, which .........

[And so on.]

Of course, she also could have just asked me for the specific item in the first place.....

Nah. That would be too easy.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

I'm Back!

I had to fix my computer (again), but now I'm back!

Let's start things off with a nice, normal, what-the-heck-were-they-thinking? story.

A customer asked me where something was. I told her it was downstairs. She asked, "And where is that?" I worked very, very hard and managed to not answer her question by pointing to the floor.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

"Hi, I'm Frank."

A man in a suit entered the store. He approached the counter as I set down what I was working on so that I could help him. He said, "Hi, I'm Frank. From Superior."

My first thought was that he was a vendor rep -- but we don't carry products from a company called "Superior".

Then he said, "Who buys your lightbulbs?"

So.... Superior is a lightbulb company? Why didn't he say the full name of the company? He just assumed that I would know what he was talking about.

I gave him the office number while he pestered me about where the office is located.

Ok, I get it, he's a persistent salesperson who's trying to sell lightbulbs, and the best way to do that is talk to the person in charge of buying lightbulbs. But....

I just really, really hate it when salespeople come in and waste my time. It just seems rude.

His attitude didn't help.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Today I saw kid (3-4 years old) who had his shoes on the wrong feet. He seemed to be walking sort of awkwardly.

Did he put his shoes on himself? Did his parents not check his work? Why didn't his parents fix his shoes???

The mind boggles. Or, at least, mine does.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

"You Said What I Was Thinking."

My co-worker, "H-Man", and I were talking about moving a store display when a customer approached the counter. I turned to help him and he grumbled, "I'd like some help if you aren't too busy chatting." I ignored the unfair dig and led him to the case he wanted me to open.

After we left, another customer muttered "What an asshole." He then turned to H-Man and apologized. She laughed and told him, "You said what I was thinking."

P.S. He reeked of alcohol and was slurring his words. Two o'clock in the afternoon and he was drunk as a skunk.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Even More Coffee Drink Drama

me: I'd be happy to keep your drink up front for you while you look around.

customer: So you're kicking us out.

me: ........