Recently my mom was complaining that all my stories are customer-bashing. "Not true!" I said. Besides, if the customers want to tell their side of the story, they can get their
own blog!
So.... Sorry, Mom, but here's another idiot-customer story:
A woman came up and asked me to open up a case for her. No problem. She wondered if she should get a certain item or not. A little needy, but fine. She wondered if we had some similar items. I found some for her. So far, so good.
She pulled out her cell phone and put it to her ear. She started saying things like, "Should I get one more? Should I get something else?" She kept saying these things over and over. I finally got a clue and asked her if she was talking to me. Somewhat impatiently she said, "Yes. Should I get something else?"
Aarggh! If you have your cell phone out, why would I assume you were talking to me?? Also? Rude!
But wait, there's more! When I went to ring her up, she asked me if a certain item came in a specific pattern. The rack with these items was a whopping
five feet away from her! She walked past it to get to the register. Why didn't she pick out the items herself? *sigh*
Since I'm oh-so-helpful, I went and fetched the item for her. Then she wanted to know if it came in a different pattern. I went and fetched that one, too.
Finally I rang her up and she went away.