"Oregon Discount"
Discount = sale price or reduced price.
Not. A. Discount.
A woman came in and asked if we had a phone she could use. I said we didn't. She asked where the nearest one was. I directed her to the nearest pay phone.
My boss posted a memo giving instructions for inventory preparation. Here's what the memo said:
One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day....One more day.......................
My dad passed on this story to me:
Every December I get phone calls from people asking what our "holiday hours" are. We don't change our hours, but even if we did...
The other day I rang up a customer who reeked of alcohol. We were casually chatting during the transaction and at one point she said, "I don't drive."
Someone actually noticed my lack of an apron!
I've always thought I had a decent ear for accents, but I had a woman stump me the other day. She came up to me and asked if we had anything "ood".
Is there anything more uncomfortable than listening to a bickering couple? Today I helped a couple pick out some Christmas presents. They were perfectly nice to me, but they were awful to each other. I desperately wanted to leave them to their fighting, but they kept turning to me and nicely asking for my help.
We've got some high school students helping out for the season. Two new boys started yesterday. Late in the day I walked past the front counter and saw one of the boys sitting on a step stool. I was, shall we say, not happy. I walked up to him and asked, "Are you injured in some way?" He said he wasn't. I told him to stand up and put the stool away. I was a little curt with him, but, well, it's his first job. I'm just helping him learn how to act more professionally.
This summer, when I gave a woman a quarter back in change, she was excited because it was a "D" state quarter. She remarked to another woman, "The Denver ones are so hard to find!" She paused. "Except.... I guess... here on the west coast, the Denver ones are more common."
Ring, ring
My boss has officially lost her mind.
Well, I finally did it! I was at work for more than twelve hours. This meant I had to write "a.m." and "p.m." on my time card (so my bosses know I was at work for twelve hours and fifteen minutes and not fifteen minutes!)
Today a customer asked me for a popular item. I said we usually had it and took her to the area where we keep it. I didn't see it on the shelf, so I checked in the back for her. We didn't have any there, either. I told her, "I'm sorry, we're out of that."